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Custom-made fittings.
While other riggers rely on off-the-shelf products, MPECO has the ability to fabricate almost any fitting necessary.
Our 10,000 sq. ft. machine shop and rigging loft create one of the larger facilities in the industry.
Custom fittings
Here is another example of a typical custom fitting made for a MPECO customer.
Custom fittings
Custom fittings
A unique product made for an MPECO client, this stainless steel stand-off fitting attaches to a shroud and holds off a lifeline just inboard of the shroud, allowing for more easy passage forward on a small sailboat.
Ciustom fittings
Here a MPECO employee is seen welding a custom trailer frame.
Spar assembly
MPECO is the ideal choice to design and assemble custom spars. We work with all the leading spar-makers and have in-depth knowledge required to fabricate the best mast for your boat.
We maintain a stock of the highest quality marine parts and fittings. Years of experience means we know what products will perform best... and which will not.
We maintain a stock of the highest quality marine line. There are many choices but usually only one is the best combination of use and cost. We will help you select the perfect choice for your boat and your application.
We have the right machines for each and every job we do.
Here we are cutting tubing for the fabrication on one of our new Vang-Master boom vangs.
We custom build each Vang-Master boom vang by hand. Each and every component is inspected and then assembled in our own workshop. We do not use overseas labor to assemble any MPECO product.
Everybody thinks fabricating lifelines is a piece of cake. We take the extra time and care to personally measure your boat to insure your new lifelines will fit correctly and be properly installed.
Facility storage
We have the capability to both work indoors on larger mast systems as well as to store spars as needed for short times.
Swaging services
We custom swage all fittings with our state-of-the-art Edenstahl swaging machine and are able to swage up to 1/2" diameter fittings.
Wire rope
We maintain a complete supply of wire rope, made by only the highest-quality vendors in the industry. Cheap wire rope from dubious sources is a false economy that is simply too dangerous to even think about.