The February, 2006 issue of Practical Sailor magazine did a comprehensive review of the eight best known rigid boom vangs in an article titled "Solid Vang Showdown." Only four of the eight made the cut and were recommended. Vang-master not only
made the cut, but was ranked best.
To add icing to the cake, they later also included the Vang-master in their list of
"Top Gear of 2006."
"If you are interested in a smoothly operating vang that you can use to reliably control your mainsail, those from Forespar or Hall fit the bill and earn our Recommended rating. But of all the vangs, the Vang Master from Marine Products Engineering has the best adjustability, the smoothest operation, the longest stroke range, and the longest warranty of these three, and thus, even with it’s high pricetag, it is our Best Choice overall."